Tuesday, March 16, 2021

Hair Fall


Hair Fall

·      What is Hair Fall?

·      Impacts of Hair Fall

Hair Fall-

When anybody observes a person the first thing he notices is the hair. Hair is the symbol of beauty in any person. It is very difficult to imagine anybody without hair. The process of hair coming out from his head one by one or in bulk is the hair fall. If the hair starts falling then it is a very serious matter to worry about for him.

Everybody wants to care for and protect his hair. Nobody likes the hair fall so they always care for their hair. To care for their hair they use lots of techniques and stay alert by observing the hair. They keep oiling their hair from time to time. They clean their hair while bathing using shampoo, and conditioner.

Impacts of Hair fall

There are many impacts of hair fall. The floor where we comb our hair becomes full of dust. We lose lots of hair one by one. The comb fills with hair. We feel very difficult to manage in gathering, in parties, or in a good place where everyone makes show off. Somehow we manage our hair fall condition. Some of us use wigs to hide them without hair condition.

The main question arises that how we come into the condition of hair fall or why the hair falls. In my opinion, nutrition deficiency is the main cause of hair fall. Scientifically it is proved that when we have our food in low proteins, vitamins, and iron then it affects the blood which flows in our body. Its side effect also impacts our head and it causes a weak grip between the skin and hair. And this is how we start losing our hair.

The impact of hair fall we can see in our surroundings also. People start making the distance from us and they also make fun and laugh at us. They also use some trolling and abusing words in society. As we lose hair along with that we start losing respect in society as well. This is the impact of hair fall in our society.

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